This treatment is effective, unique and natural
Your skin problem has found a solution
Stretch marks
Caso real
The skin as a whole has natural properties of tension and elasticity. When it exceeds its limits it can produce a rupture or tear in the connective tissue which causes different types of stretch marks (red and white). Red streaks are the more recent ones and they are more likely to heal successfully. On the other hand, the white ones are the result of tissue scarring that hasn’t properly scarred. Stretch marks are an aesthetic problem that can affect the self-esteem of those who suffer from it
We have identified the causes that generate this alteration and we would like to offer you the solution to this problem
Custom treatment
We are able to closely assist each case in detail and apply a routine that best suits you
We have designed a personalized protocol with such precision that ensures our treatments do not depend on a standardized proposal. On the contrary, they are adjusted to best suit the individualized state of each tissue and emulsion that make up our skin. Our treatments work to restore each of the skin’s components to their ideal state within the parameters of BALANCE (acid mantle), PROTECTION (epidermis) and SUPPORT (dermis)
The stretch marks treatment’s objectives
- To obtain the correct healing of a tear in the dermal tissue (also known as stretch mark)
- Use Galvanic CPS and/or the Dermaroller on both sides of the wound in order to achieve proper healing
Stretch marks treatment routine
The routine is very simple and it will take only a few minutes. Watch this video as it can answer any questions you may have
Stretch marks treatment routine products
It is advisable to follow this treatment with the help of a specialist in skin care maintenance and hygiene (Compositum)
Do you want to receive a free treatment?
We are convinced that your skin will improve and we would like to offer you the first treatment with one of our specialists in skin care maintenance and hygiene for free
Remember this day as the first one of your new life
CPS methodology
Whether your skin is healthy, shows signs of imperfections or has skin ailments, Compositum will help you maintain healthy and clean skin

Our methodology works

Biotechnological Cosmetic

We are unique worldwide

Compositum treats the skin with active ingredients. Compositum does not intervene in the etiology of pathologies as this would enter into the medical field