Your time has come

Compositum Cosméticos is a Spanish company that uses its own methodology which is registered in the CPS Method. To ensure that this method of treating the skin reaches as many people as possible, we have created the professional position of Specialist in skin care maintenance and hygiene. They are professionals who have a deep understanding of this organ’s anatomy and physiology. They are therefore able to locate the causes of any skin alteration without limiting the treatment to simply correcting symptoms. All students will receive a rigorous training in this CPS Method, which will enable them to become Specialists in skin care maintenance and hygiene. This will allow them to access this new and innovative career path.

Specialist in skin care maintenance and hygiene course

Compositum’s accredited diploma includes a specific teaching program, which covers topics from skin care maintenance to hygiene. The program includes solutions to all types of skin diseases, regardless of gender, age, race or skin condition (imperfections/pathologies). In order to restore the skin’s proper functioning and inner health, the program treats it as a single organ. To address its needs we use cosmetic tools inherent to personal hygiene (just as there is a dental hygienist for oral health care). The specialist in skin care maintenance and hygiene course is directly linked with professions who have their own perspectives: Medicine, makeup, massage, hair dresser, orthopaedic, pharmacy... Independently of their work, any of these professionals can complete their technical formation by studying our methodology
The Compositum training is segmented into modules and lessons. Some examples are: Study of the skin, the use of technical equipment, such as galvanic electrical currents and the Derma Roller, and massage techniques that cater to properly applying products on the face and neck
Thanks to this newly acquired formation you will be able to complement your business or start a new professional adventure of your own with the title of Specialist in skin care maintenance and hygiene
Cecilia Plaza Serrano’s career path covers many disciplines, from managing a laboratory, to teaching cosmetics; all of these experiences have allowed her to develop a new methodology in regards to skin care treatment - the CPS Method. By taking care of proper skin hygiene and great skin care treatment, this method is a new way of communicating with this great organ – the skin. With the help of Cosmetic Biotechnology this scientific approach allows us to deal with the fundamental problems that can occur in the skin.

Would you like to sign up to this course?

Grow as a professional

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and grow as a skin care hygienist

Contact us

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call us at +34 916 523 593 and we will assist you in anything you might need